When a brand makes a Youtube channel, it is not only competing with other brands, but also with everything else that lives on Youtube. So how do some brands end up creating magical videos and build fans while other brands don’t? Which videos get people engaged? Let’s understand it with the example below.


Apple’s Homework on an iPad video engaged people because did the video:

    1. Promote sales? – NO
    1. Spark a conversation? – YES
    1. Offer insights or advice? – YES
    1. Have a message beyond “buy now”? – YES
  1. Offer new content the audience hadn’t seen? – YES


Videos work when they provide value, asks questions and target audience in a meaningful way. In other words, video content isn’t about making the sale, it is about creating a conversation. It works when it’s about an element in your product or service audience that your audience finds useful or entertaining, which in Apple’s case is school homework.


For your brand, we would be happy to create engaging Youtube content that your audience will find useful or entertaining and will propel your brand to the top. Please reply to this email with the date & time convenient to you and we will be happy to meet you.

